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Sun Up Services is a story of mentorship, a leap of faith and good ole’ fashioned hard work.

In the early 1980’s Richard “Bo” Bulmanski and Fred Menth joined forces to start their own A/C company and named it Air Command. They served Pinellas County with integrity for more than 40 years. They made the decision to sell the business in the early 2000’s. Bo and Fred spent the next several years helping other HVAC business owners get established and build their companies. After 40 years of owning a successful business, they knew that the key to business was “old fashioned” American business practices: honesty, hard work, showing up early, staying late and working weekends.


It was during this time that they met Shawn Crews. Bo and Shawn became friends and Bo took Shawn underwing. Bo could see that Shawn’s work ethic, unwavering core values and vision for what he wanted out of his future was more than enough for Shawn to strike out on his own. Bo lovingly pushed Shawn to obtain his own license and start his own company. Shawn’s company would become known as Mechanical A/C Designs, LLC est. in 2018. Little did Shawn know that his mentorship with Bo wasn’t over.

In 2013 Bo and Fred joined together again to form Cool-Aide A/C & Heating Inc. In 2014 they purchased Air Command, their previous company, and then retired the name. However, with over 30 years of service to the area there were many homeowners who were very familiar with the Air Command name and still hundreds of systems with the Air Command stickers on them.

Though Bo had jumped back into the AC business with Cool-Aide A/C he remained Shawn’s mentor. Bo often referred business to Shawn to help him establish his roots within the community but also knowing that he was sending customers into capable and reliable hands. Bo and Fred would hire him for many different services including service, repair, and installation.


“One of the greatest values of mentors is the ability to see ahead what others cannot see and to help them navigate a course to their destination”.

– John C Maxwell.

In September 2019 Bo lost his battle to cancer. According to the wishes of his friend and mentor, Shawn purchased the two companies. Looking back at the decade long mentorship that they shared and the growth that they have had together, it was an honor and one that Shawn was happy to oblige.

Sun Up Services was born at the convergence of Mechanical A/C Designs, Cool Aide A/C and Air Command. Shawn and team continue carrying on a legacy of trust, integrity, and quality workmanship. At Sun Up Services there are no shortcuts, no hidden fees… just hard work, decency, and sound business practices.